University Websites
You may find the following links to university websites of interest. Except for e-couch and moodgym, the BluePages team has no control over the content of these sites. We do not necessarily recommend, agree with or certify that these sites are accurate or helpful (see Disclaimer).
- moodgym was developed and evaluated over 15 years by researchers at the Australian National University. Research has found moodgym to be helpful in reducing symptoms of depression in users (See Online Prevention).
- e-couch was developed and evaluated over 10 years by researchers at the Australian National University. An interactive, evidence-based, self help program that includes modules for social anxiety and generalised anxiety, as well as depression. It provides self help interventions drawn from cognitive, behavioural and interpersonal therapies as well as relaxation and physical activity. It also has module specificly focussing on loss & bereavement, and separation & divorce.
This Way Up Clinic, UNSW
- Information and resources to help people with anxiety conditions.
OCD Stop
- Brain & Psychological Sciences Research Centre, Swinburne University of Technology. Provides consumers with information about OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and strategies for addressing OCD-related thoughts, feelings and behaviours that cause difficulty and distress. During this program, consumers also receive assistance from a qualified therapist in the form of weekly emails. The program is free and completely confidential.