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Block - New Zealand - Telephone Counselling
Depression Helpline
- Free call: 0800 111 757
- Website:
- Call the Depression Helpline to talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions.
- Free call: 0800 543 354 (24 hour service)
- Website:
- Free, professional and confidential telephone counselling service. Can provide affordable face to face counselling in Auckland.
- Phone: 0800 KIDSLINE or 0800 543 754
- Website:
- Free and confidential telephone counselling service designed for children. It is staffed between 4pm and 6pm on school nights by trained year 12 and 13 volunteer counsellors called Kidsline Buddies.
What's Up
- Free call: 0800 WHATSUP or 0800 942 87 87
- Website:
- Telephone counselling service for 5 to 18 year olds. Calls are answered by trained and supervised professional counsellors. Operates from noon to midnight, seven days a week.