Block - New Zealand - Self Help

Self help, resources, and consumer organisations

Balance NZ: Bipolar & Depression Network

  • Website:
  • A charitable trust that provides support, education, advocacy and training to people (tangata whaiora) affected by bipolar disorder or depression in New Zealand.


  • Website:
  • Provides consumers and professionals with information about e-health online applications for mental health and physical health disorders. Websites throughout the world are reviewed and ranked by a panel of health experts. Consumers can also submit rankings and comments. Beacon is developed and delivered by the ANU Centre for Mental Health Research.

Citizens Advice Bureaux

  • Free call: 0800 FOR CAB (0800 367 222)
  • Website:
  • An independent community organisation whose member bureaux and specialist services around New Zealand provide information, advice, advocacy and support to individuals. The services are free, impartial and confidential. Visit the website to find a local CAB service.

CARE NZ – Addiction Treatment and Recovery

  • Phone: 0800 787 797 (Alcohol Drug Helpline)
  • Website:
  • For anyone with affected by alcoholism or drug abuse. CARNE NZ is staffed by trained and qualified alcohol and drug counsellors who have many years of experience in working with people who need help.

e-couch Personal Self Help

  • Website:
  • An interactive, evidence-based, self help program that includes modules for social anxiety and generalised anxiety, as well as depression. It provides self help interventions drawn from cognitive, behavioural and interpersonal therapies as well as relaxation and physical activity. e-couch was developed by researchers at the Australian National University.

moodgym Training Program

  • Website:
  • An interactive, evidence-based program for depression which incorporates cognitive behavioural therapy. Research has found moodgym to be helpful in reducing symptoms of depression in users (See Online Prevention).  moodgym was developed by researchers at the Australian National University.

Mental Health Foundation of NZ

  • Website:
  • Provides free information and training, and advocate for policies and services that support people with experience of mental illness, and also their families/whanau and friends.