Germaine Greer

Australian born Dr Germaine Greer is a writer, journalist, academic and actor. She is best known for her controversial views about feminism and sexual freedom. Her first book, The Female Eunuch, had a major impact on the thinking and lives of women all over the world. Germaine Greer was educated at Melbourne, Sydney and Cambridge Universities.

During her first year at Melbourne University, Germaine Greer became depressed. One very windy day she walked up to the edge of a cliff that had been weakened by rain. She ignored the sign warning visitors to keep away. Stepping under the temporary barrier, she walked to the very edge of the cliff.

I stood on the shakiest piece, asking God in my teenage arrogance to save my life it was worth saving. There was no noise as the spur came down.

Fortunately, her coat caught on some bushes and slowed her down as she flashed down the cliff. "I did not" she says, "try to gamble with my life again." (p. 196).

Later, after being being rejected by a man she really cared about, "Germaine's slide into depression" is said to have become "a headlong plunge. She broke down. She was hospitalised, diagnosed with nervous exhaustion." ([2], p. 38].

Despite this early set back, Greer went on to complete her undergraduate degrees and two postgraduate degrees. She also worked as a university lecturer, became a prolific author and journalist, and a confident theatre, film and television performer. Many people regard her as the most influential and best known feminist of the 20th Century.


  • [1] Greer G. Daddy, we hardly knew you. Penguin: London, 1989.
  • [2] Wallace C. Greer: Untamed shrew. Macmillan: Sydney, 1997 (Citing, Greer G, Lovelife of Germaine Greer, Pol 1972; 4(5), p.8)